Tuesday, August 3, 2010
The HVB store is coming up on the one year anniversary so we got the website and shirts to go along with it! I'm really excited about getting the new catalog running with all the new products on the site HELDVeganBelts.com you can go to Skreened.com/HVB for shirts. Damn I've been looking forward to this for a long time. A very special thanks to all the volunteers who kept HVB alive while I was in the ICU and recovering. We still need plenty of generous help so when you're ready let me know.
Time again for HELD to grow so we are reaching out far and wide to greater distribution. These are the Strongest Belts in the World! Likely the most sustainable as well. In addition to setting up wholesale accounts everywhere we are looking to open other workshops to keep the distribution as green as possible.