Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Stories We'll Have...

After a horrendous application, review, and orientation process you can now find HELD Vegan Belts down at the Saturday Market. We started the last weekend of March and it's been rather fun and interesting. Courtney has been helping out volunteering part time and I can't begin to express how much she is helping. Facing all the anti-vegans at the market alone would have me sobbing on the floor. From the first day word spread quickly and we are known as "The Vegans." We have had some support but could use more.

I am really excited about having the word "vegan" so prominently displayed among the SAD crowd. The labels still have the blurb about 'Why Vegan' but I would like to re-make them with more snaz. We made a huge sign that is just asking for trouble but the SAD consumers are more timid than I thought they would be. It's a tough balance trying to just put the word out there and not scare people off. Courtney was saying they were scared of us cause of how we look; I suppose facial tattoos and piercings aren't as mainstream as I thought, let alone the all black clad with the Herbivore "Praise Seitan" hoodie. I wound up wearing my Food Fight! shirt over the hoodie but still scared the Standard American Dieter's.

Next month we move to a new and improved sparkly environ right on the waterfront. I'm looking forward to my riparian summer answering dumb ass questions about protein and honey bees. Please come down and lend some support- by support I don't mean money, I mean stop by and say you are glad we are there- it would be so much easier to not be there. Until a vegan food cart rolls in bring us a snack too! We do trades.