If I take just a couple minutes to look up how a company manufactures what I may purchase I have just taken back the power. When I find out they import a bulk or all of the materials while they claim to be ethical it will most definitely sway my decision. Come on, what part of "ethical" is maximize profits at the cost of the environment?
I've witnessed companies adhering to ethical principles at the outset and then without any notice the label reads "china" where it once listed USA. What that doesn't directly list out are laid off workers, the huge burden of transportation, pollution, lack of regulation and oversight. When a company outsources it is never simply moving it is virtually always going from cleaner less polluting methods to filthier more damaging. That stuff doesn't spring to mind in that moment, not very fun to consider voluntarily. Everything on the product looked the same but flip back the tiny little logo where it looks like nothing could even fit on the back of it and there it is "china."
I'm okay with others pursuing excessive wealth, hey go for it man, if that's what you're into great, knock yourself out. Where it starts to bother me and should get us all fuming mad is when the environment, the people, and the animals pay a silent "greed tax" for one more illusion of security. The quick and simple example of needless outsourcing is Captain Obvious over there; big corporations thinning the herd, reducing overhead to raise that bottom line.Well it isn't big corporations any more, it's everyone. Watch out for those companies that used to be little and became popular. We all gripe about the state of things, the economy, politics, but we can take back some of the power right now. We each have a say in this.You cave a tiny computer in your pocket or hand right now how much more simple is it to just search for info on that product? More simple, lighter than the alternative- the norm.
Buy local. Buy compassionate. Pretty simple but is it really that easy? Practice, practice, practice.
Thank you for reading my rant. I was motivated by yet again another competitor going for the quick buck. I want to tell them in the larger picture the harm outweighs the immediate reward. It looks like you're doing the right thing but that is the subjectivity of attachment, our personal stake narrows vision. Everybody thinks it's greed but it's really just fear. We are from birth pounded with the false narrative of Scarcity vs Abundance and the entire economy is driven by it. This is why it is not as easy as just informing each other of the reality. Deeply ingrained paradigms have to be uprooted regularly, what a pain in the ass! Shocker: the Scarcity model is untrue. We have plenty of everything and we always have. Management and allocation of resources has always been at the crux of the perceived problem. I'll leave it at that. Choir practice is now over.